Project Duration: 8 hours

My Role: UX Designer, UX Researcher, Branding

App & Responsive Website

Project Goal.

Design an app and a responsive website that help customers quickly & efficiently diagnose issues with their houseplants.


The User.

Interviews were conducted and scripts were produced along with notes of participant responses. These responses and notes were then used to populate a variety of empathy maps, user personas, storyboards, and user flows. The first round of research was synthesized into actionable insight. The insight from the research findings were used to start a “How Might We” (HMW) exercise where I list out questions that assist in clarifying the product design goals for the user. Using the findings from all of the above methods, I then began rapid sketching, digital wireframing, and prototyping. I wanted to ensure that the tone was light but organic, and I also wanted to make sure that I empathized with the user persona so that the design adds efficiency to the tasks users complete within the app.

Key Challenges

One of the challenges that I faced was deciding on how I wanted to structure the information architecture throughout the app but especially on the home screen. I wanted the user to be able to easily complete any task directly from the home screen for increased efficiency.

User Research: Pain Points

  • Accessibility

    Users found it difficult to navigate similar apps because of extensive information and the major quantity of elements to understand

  • Identifying Plant Issues

    Users preferred a quick & efficient way to diagnose their plants and receive care instructions

  • Finding Solutions To Plant Issues

    Users preferred to have all the plant information they need in one place

  • Caring on time

    Users found it difficult to manage scheduled care for each of their plants

Sketches &


Many iterations were made in the process of developing this design. I wanted to make sure that I explored all of the possible design concepts and principles that I wanted to include in the final design. From there, I identified the common elements and themes from all of the paper & digital wireframes.

User Testing Results

  • Round 1A

    Users were frustrated at the amount information similar apps would put on one page

  • Round 1B

    Requiring a payment before they can use the app to diagnose their plants caused the user to be frustrated and lowered conversion rates.

  • Round 1C

    Users needed guided setup when first using the app.

  • Round 2A

    Users expressed frustration when there was little emphasis on a successful plant scan & diagnosis.

  • Round 2B

    Users were not extremely satisfied with the interaction design when navigating the app.

  • Round 2C

    Users were frustrated that there was not a support option that could help answer their questions.

High-Fidelity Prototype

The mission was to effectively influence positive emotional feedback using tone, voice, motion, color, and interactive experiences. While ensuring that there was an increase in efficiency of all user tasks related to plant care.

Link to prototype


Starting off with diverse research allows me to produce a design that will prove efficiency & accessibility to the user. I spent much time synthesizing user research into insights, then prioritizing the insights based on design solutions. Pages shouldn’t be crowded with information. I filtered the user’s needs and used it to build the information architecture throughout the design.